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Like many of you and many of my fellow restauranteurs, I am horrified by the number of homeless and underfed people in need of help here in Tucson. It is even more difficult for those who live on the margins during the pandemic. I’d like your help to be part of the solution. As a pilot program, we will be working with Primavera Foundation to bring meals to of their homeless shelter for men. They will need of 25-30 dinners an evening 5 days per week. With your support for the other four days of the week, I will donate the meals for the fifth day.

In order to be sure we can sustain this effort, I’d like to get funding for 1 month before we start shipping food over. Once that happens, we can be on a roll. If this program takes off and we can afford to take on more projects, we’ll expand to the capacity of our funding.

We have unique capabilities for this effort at the Carriage House. During this time when our events at the Carriage House or limited I’d like to make use of our facility to help those who need it most.

Thank you for supporting this effort,

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